Mae’r triawd cudd GWCCI yn ffrwydro i fewn i 2023 gyda’r bwriad o godi tymheredd y byd cerddoriaeth Cymraeg.

Gyda’u senglau cyntaf ‘SGERBYDE’ a ‘CANNA’ yn gwneud sŵn ar y sîn yng Nghymru, mae’r grwp dirgel yn edrych ymlaen at ryddhau plethora o diwns newydd yn fuan. Gall ddisgwyl nifer o wahanol arddyllion cerddoriaeth megis ‘Techno’, ‘Bassline’, ‘Trap’, ‘RNB’, ‘Drill’ drwyddo i ‘Drum & Bass’.


The anonymous trio GWCCI are exploding into 2023 with the ambition to raise the temperature of the Welsh music scene.

With their first singles ‘SGERBYDE’ and ‘CANNA’ making serious noise, we can expect to see much more from the mysterious rap group this year. Their upcoming music features songs from a variety of different genres ranging from ‘Techno’, ‘Bassline’, ‘Trap’, ‘RNB’, ‘Drill’ through to ‘Drum & Bass’.

Image of GWCCI